The term “niche” in the perfume industry is used to describe a distinctive fragrance, created by an in-house perfumer, produced in small batches, with limited availability in stores, without mass advertising (e.g. TV, Magazines, …) and/or without Celebrity endorsements.
In this context, the following terms for ‘Niche Perfume’ are all synonymously used: Niche Fragrance, Boutique Perfume, Artisan or Indie Scents. Niche are unique perfumes and generally handmade, and no new batches are identical to previous ones.
Unlike mass-produced designer perfumese, boutique perfumes offer rare and timeless fragrances that are far superior in quality. These perfumes are individually crafted with high quality natural ingredients, creating enticing fragrances to give you a multi-sensory experience. They also tend to be extreme luxury with prices ranging anywhere from £300 and up to thousands of pounds.
The niche perfumery industry tends to favour creativity, originality and self-expression over common trends. This is why artisan perfumers view the creation of fragrances as an art form. They take great pride in carefully selecting their ingredients, building the accord to craft precious fragrances with multiple distinct and complex notes that create lasting impressions and memories.
Famous brands sometimes offer niche perfumes in limited edition,
Check out our products to experience our stock of unique and exhilarating perfumes.